by Fintan Duggan
How to relieve hip bursitis painYou are in extreme hip pain and not sure what is causing your hip pain but the pain is always there and the only relief that you get is from painkillers or by exercising or sitting down. This pain is known as hip bursitis and I am going to help you to relieve your hip bursitis pain. It is possible that the hip pain is caused by arthritis so a Doctor will give you a diagnosis or refer you to a specialist to diagnose your condition. For today I am going to focus on hip bursitis pain and what you can do to relieve the hip pain. First, let me explain what hip bursitis is, one of the most common spots for bursitis is the side of the hip, the bony bump is covered by a large tendon. We call the bony bump the greater trochanter, when inflammation occurs between this and the tendon we call it trochanteric bursitis. As we age this becomes more of a problem but sometimes we see it in younger people who are very active and take part in exercises like running, biking or walking. Hip bursitis pain will occur when there is friction between tendons, muscles and bones, within this trio we have what is known as a bursa. A bursa (a small sac of tissue) contains fluid to reduce friction and to lubricate the area. The bursa is normally found there and the body can produce more bursar to respond to friction. When we have too much friction because of wear and tear or injury a bursa may become inflamed because of injury or too much friction in that area. As a result of this the inflammation can cause pain and swelling and standing or walking will not help with the pain. There are other circumstances where the bursa can become inflamed, for example by falling on the hip, this can lead to a bleed in the bursa and form a hematoma. Whilst this isn't serious the bursa may become inflamed which can lead to the bursa becoming thickened and this can lead to regular irritation and over time may become chronic.
The first sign of trochanteric bursitis is pain in the hip area right over the bump that where the greater trochanter is located, at times the pain will be felt down the side of the leg or outside of the thigh. As the pain worsens there may be hip joint stiffness and limping, eventually the hip bursitis pain will lead to ever present pain and may interrupt sleep.
A qualified healthcare worker with a passion for natural remedies to help with common health conditions.
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